Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Cocktail Party

The Cocktail Party

March 27th 8pm

The Maitri Center-Northside
4120 Hamilton ave.
25/donation @ the door

Music (live & mixed)

appetizers will appear out of nowhere

Alcohol less bar (you bring the hard stuff),

we provide the mixens

Brought to you by a collaboration of minds:

The Creatives Welcomes

Lisa Kagen

Experiment Feast

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wine me Dine me Menu

The Fall Phenomenon & 11-20-2009


Birds in Flight

Eating Outside the Box

Vegetarian Feast, 6-25-2009

Party: client feast

Feast 8-27-2009

no. 10: adventures in food cartography

no.9 "redefining...dessert before dinner"2

no. 8 "redefining....dessert before dinner"1

no.7: "summer's last stage"

no. 6 "common thread"

5: Heat Wave

Feast 3 & 4

Feast Number 2: "Acoustic and Electric"

The First Feast

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Experiment Feast

Next up:
Experiment Feast

This weekend..stay tuned for photos and menu.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wine me Dine me Menu

Wine me Dine me

February 20, 2010

Dinner Menu

Sauvignon Blank

Oyster Cream & Cilantro



Fettuccini, Burr Blank with Crab, Capers and Celery Root Slaw


Pinot Noir

Blackberry & Ginger Tart with Duck



Rosemary Skewered Beef, Shitake Sauce



Apples, Brie, Bacon, Thyme



Cornbread Pudding, Pulled Pork, Smoke Paprika coated Redskin Potato

Something Bubbly?

Olive Oil Cake with Chocolate Mouse, Orange Crème Anglease and Almond Praline